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Search and Rescue

Mission Type Search and Rescue

Players: 4-6

Date and Time of run: Jul. 27 19:00 EST


"A local money bags has recently got his daughter snatched. He was told no law. Hes happy to oblige."

This fraggin' run right here. Just damn. This J drops the job, and we pick it up. I'm hungry, still holdin' onto some romantic idea of what this scene is all about. Not after this.

The J's kid got snatched up by a group of runners after they did a job for him. Pretty unprofessional, but, we ain't all professional, as you probably know. This kid is being held in some apartment in the barrens. We sneak in after trying to find a good way in, which took a while. These guys knew how to dig in. I admit, I was about to roll in like a rookie and start poppin' grenades off, but luckily ||name redacted|| and ||name redacted|| talked me out of it, because the first thing we see is a massive bomb rigged up to level a whole city block. In the next room, the targets were unaware we were there. So ||name redacted|| slipped in, dropped the leader with a narco dart quick. ||name redacted|| and I rolled in to take control, but these runners didn't give a hot frag, and still took us on. Targets were neutralized, we got the kid, and left. That's all I'm gonna say about that. Don't want Reds kicking my door down.

  • Slow Ride


Sehr geehrter Herr Handel,

wie besprochen schicke ich Ihnen anbei die zusammengefassten mir bekannten Aktivitäten der Runner des Last Match, sowie die Liste der Runner. Bitte leiten Sie diese an die für Seattle zuständige SK-Prime Stelle weiter.

Der gesamte Auftrag war eine einzige Aufräumaktion für ein unfähiges Mitglied des Rescourcenmanagements bei Renraku (Bild angehangen, Mögliche Schwachstelle, Erpressung möglich). Ein von ihm als Sündenbock gedachtes, zuvor angeheuertes Runnerteam hatte durchschaut, dass er sie ans Messer liefern wollte, und sie haben seine Tochter entführt, um wieder aus der Geschichte rauszukommen. Unser Auftrag war es, diese zu befreien. Nachdem unser Rigger Slow Ride mittels Flugdrohnen den richtigen Ort ausfindig gemacht hatte sind wir in die befestigte Stellung des Teams eindringen und dieses ohne größere Probleme ausschalten.

Was uns Probleme bereitet hat war die fast gigantische Bombe, die sich auch in dem Unterschlupf befand. Glücklicherweise konnte Slow Ride diese entschärfen, aber die Größte sah angemessen aus, um eine halbe Nachbarschaft in die Luft zu sprengen, wer weiß was dem Team in die Schuhe geschoben werden sollte. Anschließend gab es keine weiteren Komplikationen dabei, die befreite Geisel dem Herrn Schmidt auszuliefern.

  • Workout
Workout's Report - Rating 1 Linguasoft Translation


Dear Mr Handel,

As discussed, I am sending you the summarized activities of the Last Match runners that I am aware of, as well as the list of runners. Please forward this to the SK-Prime office responsible for Seattle.

The entire job was a cleanup for an incompetent member of Renraku's resource management team (Image attached, Possible vulnerability, Blackmail possible). A previously hired team of runners, whom he used as a scapegoat, figured out that he was going to put them to the knife, and they kidnapped his daughter to get out of the story. Our job was to free them. After our rigger Slow Ride had found the right place using drones, we penetrated the team's fortified position and eliminated it without any major problems.

What caused us problems was the almost gigantic bomb that was also in the shelter. Luckily, Slow Ride was able to defuse those, but the biggest one looked appropriate to blow up half a neighborhood, who knows what the team might be blamed for. After that, there were no further complications in delivering the freed hostage to Mr. Johnson.

  • Workout